AccuDate 9700 Support

Getting Started

Where is My Serial Number?

Should your AccuDate terminal ever need service or troubleshooting with a tech, you’ll want to know where your terminal’s Serial Number is located. This will tell us what type of warranty you have, how long that warranty is, and what sort of software and firmware is...

What is My Password?

Several functions of your AccuDate terminal require that a password is entered. This includes the Settings Screen, and Adding New Items. By default, the password should be set to “admin”. This password, however, can be changed. If “admin” does not work for you, and...


How to Clean Your AccuDate Terminal

Proper maintenance through the cleaning of your AccuDate Food Safety Terminal is essential to ensure that it continues to print quality labels, respond to your touch accurately, and adhere to food safety standards. To this end, TransAct offers Food Safety Terminal...

My Labels Have the Incorrect Date: How to Adjust Date & Time

If you’ve noticed that the date & time on your AccuDate terminal is incorrect, either through the hold times on your labels or the time displayed at the top of your screen, the fix is quick and easy! Adjusting date and time on your terminal can be done from the...

How to Remove & Replace Print Mechanisms

While using your AccuDate terminal, it may be necessary to remove or replace the printing mechanisms within your terminal. Such reasons may include needing to send one mechanism in for repair, reseating the mechanism to clear an on-screen mechanism related error, or...

My Labels Aren’t Printing Correctly

If your AccuDate terminal is experiencing issues when printing on labels, there are many troubleshooting steps to take to try to restore normal functionality. Label printing issues can be broken up into four distinct categories Feeds, but does not print anything on...

My Terminal is Printing Extra Blank Labels

If your AccuDate terminal feeds blank labels after printing your selected label correctly, this means that your roll of labels needs to be calibrated. Calibrating your labels means that your AccuDate Terminal knows where your label starts and ends. This way, it will...

“Print Mechanism is Not Connected” Error Message

If your AccuDate 9700 is prevented from normal operation due to an error message that says “** WARNING ** Print mechanism is not connected”, there are troubleshooting steps you can take to restore functionality. The first step would be to power cycle your terminal....

Menu Items

AccuDate Menu Manager

Introducing the new web-based AccuDate Menu Manager.  Making quick work of editing menu files for your AccuDate 9700 and AccuDate PRO Food Safety terminals. Access the AccuDate Menu Manager now. Download the Quick Start Guide and/or reference the Help...

How to Remove & Replace the SD Card

The programming that drives your AccuDate 9700 terminal is all contained on a small micro SD card inside the unit. This includes your menu, your batches, your created items, and even the program that displays these things on your screen. In the course of updating or...

How to Update System & Menu Via USB

Your AccuDate 9700 will need to have its system files updated occasionally. Sometimes, this means a simple menu update, and others it means that the entire system needs to be updated from a backup. The AccuDate 9700 can achieve this through USB updates. In order to...

How to Add New Items

To add new items to your AccuDate terminal, simply navigate to the last page of the category you want to add a new item in. You will see a button that says “[New Item]”. You will be prompted for your password. If you cannot remember your password, then refer to the...

Touch Screen

Function Buttons: How to Use the Screen’s Bottom Row

The Function Buttons on your AccuDate terminal are the bottom row of buttons that provide you with basic terminal functionality regardless of what page your terminal is on! The buttons are, from left to right:  Feed Left: Feed out exactly one label from the left...

My Screen Is Frozen: How To Calibrate Touch Screen

If your AccuDate 9700 is seemingly stuck on the Home screen or any other specific page upon powering the terminal on, your touch screen may be out of calibration. To calibrate your touch screen, first, power off your terminal with the power switch on the left side,...

My AccuDate 9700 Won’t Start or Stay On

If your AccuDate 9700 does not go to the normal Home Screen upon powering on, or will not stay on the normal Home screen after attempting to use the terminal, there are several troubleshooting steps you can take, depending on the nature of the issue. Does Not Power On...

How To Access Settings

Your AccuDate terminal is configurable in a number of ways that can be accessed from the Settings Screen. To access the Settings Screen, press the Setup button (Gear Icon in the bottom row of buttons). You will be prompted for your password. If you cannot remember...

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